#pink diamond x pearl
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ceiwiart2 · 1 month ago
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angelkittiezz · 6 months ago
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unfortunately i won’t be posting digital art as much because of school and dance classes
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forensic-b1tch-aiden · 2 months ago
imagine falling in love with your best friend in a gay way and they get married to someone of the opposite sex, have a child with them and die, and you have to be the child’s legal guardian and have mental breakdown because of how much the child reminds you of your dead best friend who you were in love with
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clipsindrawers · 8 months ago
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you have to stop the world just to stop the feeling ….
some steven universe fanart meshed w chappell roan good luck babe lyrics
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rosaq · 6 months ago
how I see pearlrose (it's one of my favorite ships and I promise this isn't hate):
rose and pearl were in love with each other but pearl wasn't in love with pink diamond, she was only in love with rose quartz. so pearl was in love with the parts of pink diamond that became more predominant when she turned into rose + that fed into the fantasy they created for themselves
see how in the gif below pearl sings "we became our fantasy" when pink turns into rose quartz? and her demeanor immediately changes when pink turns into rose. her smile widens and both of them hug each other and start holding hands + pearl starts blushing
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I think this is intentional — just like in "a single pale rose" pearl and rose hug and hold hands but when rose turns into pink diamond, the physical intimacy stops. that's not to say they're uncomfortable with each other, only that rose quartz and pearl seem far closer and intimate. the very first time we see pearl talk to pink she still calls her "my diamond" (which is a title used with superiors) even though this scene takes place near the end of the war and pearl has been a rebel for more than one thousand years
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now let's get into the batman and alfred/robin allegory:
Rebecca and Ian, while discussing Rose’s “Batcave,” brought up the scene when Pearl couldn’t talk about Rose’s full details during “Rose’s Scabbard.” Incidentally, yes, Pearl is Alfred if Alfred was in love with Batman. It’s very important to note that we’re talking about Batman here, NOT Bruce Wayne. She loves BATMAN. 
— Steven Universe Podcast, Volume 3, Episode 1
Rose plays Batman on the ground. Pearl is Robin (and Alfred).
— Steven Universe: End of an Era, page 77
so pink diamond = bruce wayne and rose quartz = batman; pearl = alfred and rebel pearl = robin. rebecca and ian seem to want to make it clear that pearl was only in love with rose (batman). and pearl also seems to see herself as two separate people: the servant and the rebel
it makes a lot of sense for pearl and rose to create an escapist fantasy for themselves on earth as a way to get away from their awful realities. the idea that their lives on homeworld were someone else's lives was something they both took comfort in
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But I've been... imagining things, even when you haven't asked me to. I imagined that I ran away and met you here on Earth, a Rose Quartz. And I'm not yours, but, I make you so happy anyway! Isn't that ridiculous?! Tell me to stop! 
Rose: Please don't ever stop! 
—Pearl, Now We’re Only Falling Apart
and that was the fantasy: pearl was a rebel who ran away and met rose on earth. rose was made on earth. pearl's presence makes rose happy even though she doesn't belong to rose.
rose is delighted when pearl shares this with her bc she loves this fantasy just as much as pearl does (and also bc it made her realize that other gems, like pearl and garnet, want to escape homeworld. she realizes that she wants to fight for them). but obviously this fantasy is incompatible with their actual lives
later on pearl would also get caught up in the idea of being rose's knight. she romanticized the idea of putting rose above all else, even herself; she romanticized the idea of having a princess to save. so she put rose on a pedestal, not because rose was a diamond, but because of this fantasy she created for their relationship
This is an Ancient Sky Arena, Connie, where some of the first battles for Earth took place. It was here that I became familiar with the human concept of being a knight, completely dedicated to a person and a cause.
—Pearl, Sworn to the Sword
in this fantasy rose quartz can't be pink diamond. rose loathed herself so this suited her just fine: she wanted to be the rose quartz from this fantasy, the gem who was made on earth and was a compassionate leader and healed instead of destroying. she thinks pearl is right to love only rose quartz bc she thinks pink diamond is unlovable
let's take a look at the movie: at first amethyst and steven think rose quartz is the solution to getting pearl's memories back. so amethyst shape shifts into rose and sings for pearl, but pearl won't stop looking at greg throughout the entire scene. then they understand that they don't need rose to be around, they need greg to disappear. so steven fuses with greg and greg disappears into the fusion, allowing pearl to finally get her memories back. greg is pink and steg is rose. when greg (pink) disappears, pearl manages to look beyond her assigned duty
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it's also worth noting that pearl wasn't the only one putting rose on a pedestal. rose put everyone around her on a pedestal, including pearl, because she thought they were all so much better than she could ever be. so while pearl saw rose as a sort of princess to be saved/protected, rose saw pearl as a superior and as someone who was so much better than herself
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The fact that Rose says "my Pearl" to Pearl... A lot of people wonder, "oh, she belonged to Rose". No one calls their Pearl my Pearl, people only say that to their superiors. So there's actually a lot more going on in that scene.
—Rebecca Sugar, The Truth About Rose Quartz
but this whole fantasy thing was very unhealthy and meant they never dealt with how their actual roles in gem society affected their relationship. they wanted to sweep all the ugly parts under the rug and pretend it didn't exist—and it was so easy because only the two of them knew the truth and they were all too happy to feed into each other's fantasies. it created a communication barrier between them that made it extremely difficult for them to communicate and understand each other's low self worth and insecurities. pink's final order to pearl was a way to keep the fantasy going post-war which pretty much doomed them bc pearl was unable to talk about anything she went through and rose never opened up to anyone about her past. but they needed to talk about it to heal and move forward
I believe pearlrose is supposed to parallel rupphire in this sense: both are interclass gem relationships, but rupphire never ignored how their roles in gem society affected their relationship; so much so that by the end of the show garnet's main theme becomes "the truth" while pearlrose's main theme remains "the fantasy"
this fantasy only starts to fall apart when pearl manages to tell steven the truth about pink diamond: pearl finally has to confront the fact that rose quartz and pink diamond were the same person. by letting the fantasy go, pearl was able to address the unhealthy aspects of their relationship and understand her own repressed feelings + rose's struggles. only then is pearl able to start healing from everything that happened
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muravushko · 1 year ago
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stevenuniversexreader · 1 year ago
D, K, and W for Garnet?
Yep! 👍
Character: Garnet
Letters: D,K,W
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D-Double Dating
-You two have definitely double dated with Steven and Connie before. You four would go to some restaurant and chat all together. It’s almost like friends, just two couples.
-She actually enjoys it a lot. Like a lot. She sometimes will unfuse so ruby and sapphire can enjoy it too.
-Definitely one of the best kissers. She loves to kiss your face. That being your cheeks, lips, forehead, jaw, under your eyes, anywhere!
-But she also likes to kiss you on your hands too, she thinks it’s very romantic.
W-Waking You up
-She wakes you up the most gentle ways possible. She’ll shake you lightly and whisper good morning in your ear. Sometimes she’ll kiss you awake.
-She loves to see your sleepy face, and she kisses it every morning you wake up.
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paintresspink · 5 months ago
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Day 28! I drew Charlie and Vaggie as Rose and Pearl from Steven Universe! idk I feel like they have a similar dynamic- NOT THE EXACT SAME, just small similarities lol. And this is just a traditional drawing, im thinking about maybe drawing it digitally idk yet lol, also small detail, but i thought it would be funny if Vaggie taped the Pearl to her head lol
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amaryllidae · 2 years ago
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its here!! comics are not my forte but i really wanted to go all out for my followers! THANK U GUYS SO MUCH FOR 1K ♥♥♥
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mydearsteven · 2 years ago
Sick days
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prompt: you got caught in a flu because of your lack of sleep, luckily your short tampered lovable husband is here to help you.
featuring: Diamond!Steven x Reader
your bed has been lonely without your lovely husband sleeping beside you, you knew that his work has been piled up alot lately but it still hurts. Especially after you got caught up in a flu for the past 2 days.
even though he was usually short tampered you still love him to death because he’s well, your husband. Pearl has been taking care of you ever since, though whenever she’s trying to insist you to tell your sickness to her diamond, you always try to keep her mouth shut from telling it to Steven.
you don’t want to interrupt his work and made him even more stressed than he already was, and decided if he wanted to know he would know it by himself. Pearl could only sighs at this but still obligated to it.
after a few hours of laying down on your shared bed, you were unable to sleep due to your freezing body. You have turned right and left and still can’t find yourself to be asleep. That is until you heard a voice from the door of your shared room.
“(n/n)? oh dear stars.” Steven was shocked to see your current state and immediately rushed to you and see if you’re alright.
“little star… why didn’t you tell me that you’re sick?” he pouts, his hands starts to find its way on your hair. You smile weakly at him. “i don’t want to worry you, you look like you were going to explode if i tell you.” you chuckled at your own remarks.
he’s still not very pleased by this and starts to call out his pearl. He got off from the bed once Pearl came in, his steps towards her was so full of rage that you start to worry.
“Pearl.. why didn’t you tell me about my WIFE’s getting caught by a heavy flu?” his voice as harsh as rocks, he’s very enraged by the lack of information about his wife’s condition.
Pearl only stutters trying to find an answer to her diamond’s question. “m-my diamond! you see.. w-well…” she trailed off her sentence, not knowing what to say. Steven was so fed up and was about to shatter her gem until you began coughing rapidly.
that stops Steven on his track, giving Pearl one last glance and start rushing towards your sleeping form. “love.. please don’t hurt Pearl. Its my request to not tell it to you, i don’t want to burden you..” you put your hand on his cheek and rubs it so that he calms down.
Steven sighs at you and put his hand on top of yours, staring at your shining eyes. He furrowed his brows and blushes from your affection towards him.
he turned his head to Pearl who was thanking to the stars for saving her life, Steven then asked her to come to where the two couple was. “Pearl, im sorry for assuming things. If it weren’t for you im pretty sure (name) would’ve been worse by now.”
Pearl was very relieved and starts to smile towards her diamond. “its quite alright, My Diamond.” Pearl did her little diamond salute and starts walking towards the exit of the room, leaving the two of you.
Steven turned his head towards you once more, he gave you a kiss on your forehead and that instantly made you feel a little better than before. You drift off to sleep, knowing that you’ll feel a lot better tomorrow because Steven is here.
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axolotlnightmare · 1 month ago
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I'll admit it, I like stevencest... TwT
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forensic-b1tch-aiden · 1 month ago
pearl has a problem with falling for and obsessing over women who are in a position of power over her because she was made to serve and do anything for someone (that someone being rose quartz/pink diamond)
that’s why I love her and bismuth’s relationship. It really shows her growth as a character and how she stopped being exactly what she was made for
she was also very much obsessed with garnet because garnet is pretty much the leader of the crystal gems, even though she’s not actually
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stevenuniversestoryart · 2 years ago
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“I’m sorry, for you’re loss”
Future chapter hehehehe.
Won’t come out till like season 4 though.
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mandoriana · 5 months ago
I love Merlin and Arthur, I've recently been rewriting an old fanfic that I started, and during writing, I realized that Arthur and Merlin closely resemble the relationship of Pink Diamond and Pearl. I brought some evidence with me, I hope you enjoy it:
1. Loyalty and Devotion:
Arthur and Merlin: Merlin is extremely loyal to Arthur, often putting Arthur's safety and well-being above all else. Arthur, in turn, deeply trusts Merlin.
Rose and Pearl: Pearl is devoted to Rose, doing everything she can to protect her and honor her memory.
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2. Secrets and Sacrifices:
Arthur and Merlin: Merlin keeps many secrets about his magic to protect Arthur and fulfill his destiny.
Rose and Pearl: Rose hid her true identity as Pink Diamond, and Pearl kept this secret for a long time, which had a significant impact on their lives.
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3. Growth and Learning:
Arthur and Merlin: Both grow and learn a lot from each other throughout the series, developing a deep and complex friendship.
Rose and Pearl: Their relationship is also marked by growth and learning, especially for Pearl, who learns to find her own identity after Rose's departure.
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1. Power Dynamics:
Arthur and Merlin: Arthur is the king and Merlin is his servant, although their relationship goes beyond these roles. There is a clear power dynamic, but also a genuine friendship.
Rose and Pearl: Rose and Pearl have a more equal relationship in terms of power, although Pearl often puts herself in a position of voluntary servitude out of love and devotion.
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2. Nature of the Relationship:
Arthur and Merlin: Their relationship is often interpreted as a deep and loyal friendship, with some interpretations suggesting a romantic subtext.
Rose and Pearl: Their relationship is explicitly romantic and emotional, with Pearl having deep and lasting feelings for Rose.
I brought these comparisons just to start writing some tragic and adorable quotes from Merlin as Pearl and Arthur as Rose.
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muravushko · 5 months ago
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stevenuniversexreader · 1 year ago
If you're still taking requests for the ABC challenge, could you maybe do Jasper with G, H and R? I really like your writing so far! It's so fun and easy to get into!!
Yep! Also, I’m happy you like my work!
Character: Jasper
Letters: G,H,R
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G-Getting Protective of you
-She’s very protective over you. Doesn’t matter if it’s an enemy or just a random person, she’s gonna get aggressive.
-If someone is bothering you and not leaving you alone, she’ll scare them into wanting their mommies.
-When an enemy is attacking, she’s gonna go for that person and keep hitting and hitting and hitting them until they poof.
H-Hugging You
-As you can tell, not the biggest hugger. Especially in public. She’s not the best hugger because, well she is HUGE compared to most.
-But she’ll hug you if your begging or just look like you need some affection. She usually picks you up and hugs you since it’s way easier than squatting down to hug you.
R-Rescuing you
-She’s ready to rescue you anyway. She’s very scary, I mean she’s forced a corrupted gem to fuse with her I’d be scared.
-She’s not afraid to get messy. The worse she can do to an enemy is poof them, she’s bad but she’s not a monster. She’d never shatter someone.
-She’ll run up to the door enemy and beat them before they could even lay a hand on her. After she’s done with that, she’ll pick you up and pretend like nothing happened.
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